The Personal Care Products Safety Act: Modernizing Outdated Regulations
Sponsored Content Everyone uses cosmetics, lotions, soaps, and other personal care items as a part of daily life, and we trust that those products are safe. But who actually determines whether or not a...
View ArticleLegal Battles over the Mirena IUD: What’s Next?
In 2011, a personal injury complaint was filed in regards to Mirena, an intrauterine device (IUD) manufactured by Bayer Healthcare, one of the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide. Since then,...
View ArticlePerverse Incentives: Are Needle Exchanges Good Policy?
To most people, it is a matter of common sense and good policy that governments should not subsidize illegal or immoral activities on the part of their citizens. The belief that governments should not...
View ArticleShould the Government Be Involved in Promoting Healthy Lifestyles?
Nearly 70 percent of American adults are overweight or obese. We spend trillions of dollars every year on healthcare and about half of that budget is spent treating so-called lifestyle diseases like...
View ArticleMental Health Care: Should We Be Treating the Mind the Same As The Body?
Every year 38,000 people in the United States kill themselves. In America, we have more people who are victims of suicide than are victims of homicide. Or car accidents. Or prostate cancer. Yet mental...
View ArticleSpecial K: “The Next Big Thing” in Psychiatry?
An estimated 15.7 million adults in the United States experienced at least one major depressive episode in 2014. Rates of depression have been on the rise in the United States for some time, causing...
View ArticleSleep Drugs: What Every Woman Should Know
Sponsored Content Sleepless nights; nights full of tossing and turning. It happens to all of us–but for some it’s more frequent than others. In fact, an estimated 50 to 70 million American adults...
View ArticleWhat Explains Life Expectancy in the United States?
Studying life expectancy allows us to understand what factors help people live longer and how changes in conditions affect people’s lives. Recent research shows how life expectancy varies among...
View ArticleDid the Program Meant to Rescue the VA Healthcare System Make it Worse?
Two years ago, Congress created a new program, the Veteran’s Choice Program, to fix the well-publicized problems facing health services at the Veterans Affairs Administration, known as the VA. These...
View ArticleSuboxone Restrictions: Is it Possible to Fight Fire with Fire?
One of the tendencies people have when combating a problem is the tendency to over-correct. Rather than taking a moderate approach in the first place, they move from one extreme to another. Our drug...
View ArticleBig Data: A Revolution for Women’s Healthcare
Sponsored Content Since 1990, the Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR®) has been advocating for innovation in women’s healthcare. The organization is on the cutting edge of the newest research...
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